
NBSC is a coach led club, but it is supported by an elected Committee to oversee and make decisions on club policy and procedures. This follows Swim England guidance.

The club operates to a Constitution, with applicable Terms & Conditions and Bye Laws.

The Committee is elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Club Captains and Vice Captains are elected at the same time. We are always looking for volunteers to assist with the running of the club, so if you feel you could help, then get in touch with the current executive members of the Committee to discuss what roles might be available.

The current Committee members are:

Chairman*: Chris Atkins
General Secretary*: Emma Rymell

Treasurer*: Ruth Pearce
Vice Chairman: John Ridgway

President: Hayley Moulton
Membership Secretary: Dee Reynolds
Fixtures Secretary: Helen Field
Gala Co-ordinator:
Team Selection Co-ordinator: Chris Nash
Swimmark Co-ordinator: John Bulpitt
Workforce Development Officer: Helen Cassidy
Covid Lead: Darren Ridgway
Social Secretary: Kelly Ridgway
Welfare Officer(s): Natalie Bruntlett / Samantha Murphy
General Committee Position: Diane French

* These are executive positions.

You can find out more about these roles on the Swim England website.